Dry & Micro Needling

Dry Needling 
Dry Needling, also known as myofascial dry needling or biomedical acupuncture, involves inserting acupuncture needles into soft tissues such as muscles, fascia, ligaments and tendons. It can be helpful in releasing chronically tight muscles and muscles in spasm.

Dry Needling works by increasing blood supply to the tissue in much the same way as massage. The needle is much finer and more accurate than a thumb so it can be a very precise and powerful technique. The technique is different to acupuncture in that it is based on western anatomy and medicine and not Chinese medicine. It is based purely on musculo-skeletal conditions and won’t be used for treating other conditions as acupuncture can be.

The needle is inserted into the muscle and a twitch response is illicited from the muscle. This twitch means that the muscle is ‘releasing’ and the needling will continue to be manipulated until the twitch ceases. A referral pattern may also be experienced during treatment from the trigger point. A twisting of the needle can also elicit a referral sensation and also provide a myofascial stretch to the tissue.

Dry Needling provided by highly qualified practitioners at Alternate Relief is a safe and effective treatment of chronic and acute pain.

Dry Needling can be effective for the medical treatments of:

Chronic Pain – Headaches – Muscle Pain or Spasm – Tendinitis – Shoulder Impingement – Back Pain – Neck Pain – Knee Pain – Hip Pain – Ankle Pain – Wrist and Hand Pain – Elbow Pain – TMJ or Jaw Pain

Find out how Alternate Relief
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Microneedling Pen’s use sterile needles to create microchannels in the surface of the skin which allows powerful skin rejuvenation products to penetrate the skin further while also stimulating the production of collagen.

The Dermafix microneedling pen can create over half a million microchannels during a 5-10 minute treatment, penetrating deeper through the epidermis. This encourages the absorption of active ingredients making it far easier for them to pass through the upper layer to cells deeper in the skin than a simple surface application with no needling would.

The Dermfix is used for improving fine lines and wrinkles on the face to address and reduce the appearance of surgical, acne or trauma scars anywhere on the body. It can also be used to treat other scarring such as stretch marks and pigmentation problems. It is suitable for all skin types.

Benefits of Genosys Dermafix Microneedling Pen
✔ Promotes skin’s natural wound healing force
✔ Induces collagen and elastic production
✔ Improves acne scarring
✔ Brightens and lightens skin
✔ Improves fine lines and wrinkles
✔ Firms and lifts skin
✔ Improves scarring
✔ Contracts Pores
✔ Treats hair loss (Alopecia)
✔ Improves stretch marks

How long does it last?
Noticeable results will be seen after the first treatment. Lasting and more significant results will begin to become apparent after 4 to 6 treatments, which being space 4 – 6 weeks apart, means after approximately 4 or 5 months. Your skin should continue to improve over the next 6 – 12 months following completion of the treatment programme, in combination with topical aftercare products. Maintenance or top-up treatments may be recommended to continue long-lasting results.

Side Effects & Risks
Treatment with the Microneedling is generally described as more tolerable than a manual dermaroller treatment due to the speed of the needles. If the treatment is being performed at a very shallow needle depth then it is considered to be painless. Treatments whereby the needles enter the skin at a depth of over 0.5mm may require a topical local anaesthetic cream to be applied before the procedure. This of course will significantly improve your comfort during treatment, making it virtually pain free.

Erythema or facial redness will be noticeable immediately after treatment and will last for 12 to 48 hours. Most people are able to return to normal daily activities immediately after the treatment. You may apply a breathable camouflage make-up product, after treatment as this will seal the skin and cover any redness if you need to return immediately to work or other activities where you wish to disguise having had treatment. It is advised to use SPF factor sun cream post treatment and should be continued for a few weeks after treatment.

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