Hopi Ear Candling and
Acupressure Face Massage

Hopi Ear Candling originates from medical ceremonies performed by a Native American Indian tribe known as the Hopis or Peace People. The candle is actually a cotton tube, impregnated with beeswax, honey and therapeutic oils. Hopi ear candles act like a chimney, drawing away the vapour and any impurities from within the ear. This in turn regulates the pressure system within the ear and the head, making the candle treatment suitable for many conditions.

The hollow candle is gently placed in the ear and the part furthest from the ear is lit, the burning action of the Hopi ear candle infuses the herbs and essential oils into a vapour, which is drawn into the auditory canal. This performs a massaging function as well as softening and drawing out any impurities. Hopi ear candles have been used for centuries throughout North America and Asia to treat ear problems and had been known to the Egyptians, Romans, and Greeks.

Benefits of Hopi Ear Candles and Acupressure Face Massage
Modern methods of cleaning the inner ear (such as the use of cotton buds) can in fact push wax further into the ear which can cause a number of problems. Ear Candles are a classic clearance therapy which can benefit many problems around the ear and head area. The lymph system and metabolism are improved by this pleasant, completely painless method of local heat application and a number of psychological and spiritual benefits have also been associated with the treatment. A number of the main benefits are listed below:

  • ✔ Removal of excessive or compacted ear wax
  • ✔ Reduction of snoring
  • ✔ Relief from problems such as sinusitis, rhinitis, glue-ear, tinnitus etc.
  • ✔ Reduction of inner ear irritation
  • ✔ Relief from colds, influenza, headaches, migraines etc.
  • ✔ Improves the lymph system and metabolism
  • ✔ Stimulates blood / energy circulation
  • ✔ Provides a soothing, light sensation around the ear and head area
  • ✔ Relief from throat problems such as tonsillitis
  • ✔ Can help to improve ones sense of hearing
  • ✔ Reduces any ear pain experienced when flying / diving
  • ✔ Invigorates the immune system
  • ✔ Provides a deep and lasting sense of mental, physical and emotional relaxation
  • ✔ Reduces Congestion
  • ✔ Relieves the affects of stress
  • ✔ Stimulates important acupuncture points and reflex zones

An Acupressure Massage in general focuses on applying pressure on different key pressure points on the skin In acupressure these points on the body are massaged or pressed with the fingers in order to help stimulate the body’s capacity to heal itself naturally Similarly in an acupressure facial massage, there are many points on the face that have to be worked upon to give that extra glow to the skin The main facial pressure points are situated in the inner edge of the eye orbits, the inner ends of the eyebrows, at the temples, next to the nostrils and lastly just under your noses An acupressure facial involves pressing these and other acupressure points on the face These zones therefore benefit from more blood, oxygen and energy flow Facial acupressure points are massaged firmly and are worked upon using slight pressure It not only stimulates the collagen of the face, but also the lymph nodes of the face Therefore, an acupressure face massage is becoming more and more popular the world over although its origins can be traced back to China. This technique of massaging the face is different from a regular face massage technique.

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